- What is the forest pedagogics?
- Objectives
- Forest pedagogue
- Target groups
- Activities
- Forest pedagogics abroad
The project is funded by EU
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
Europe investing in rural areas
What is the forest pedagogics?
„Forest is the only library in the world where you get to knowledge by walking
it with your eyes open and in the silence.“
(Madas Lászlo)
Forest pedagogics is an environmental education focused on getting to know the nature, life in the forest and discovering secrets of the nature through games and direct experience.
Forest pedagogics is based on sensual perceiving of nature through experiential learning which develops all aspects of human personality. Activities of forest pedagogics usually take place directly in the nature – in the forest.
Forest pedagogics activities supply the information about the environment, its protection and a sustainable development.
Forest pedogogics represents the easiest way for foresters to create the interest in the forest environment with all its functions.
Let´s discover, play, learn.
only slovak language
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